Taking Charge of Client Relationships

virtual handshake

Freelancing offers significant advantages, but too many freelancers never see those benefits. While there are sometimes practical obstacles, one of the most common reasons freelancers don’t fully enjoy the freedom the gig economy offers is that they’re unable (or unwilling) to let go of the employee mentality.

We’ve already looked at the importance of running your freelancing business like a business, but didn’t touch on one of the most important aspects: understanding that you are your own boss and acting like it.

Think for a moment about the businesses you frequent. Has your local mechanic ever stayed open all night because you announced at 4:30 p.m. that you needed your car back by 6 a.m.? Has your doctor ever asked how much you’d like to pay for your visit? Has a hotel clerk ever said, “Well, we’re fully booked for tomorrow night, but since you decided at the last minute that you want to stay another night, I’ll just kick someone else out”? Continue reading “Taking Charge of Client Relationships”